

人物生平 早年生活 秦秀年轻时便注重学问和品行,深受人们尊敬。在西晋咸宁年间,他担任博士一职。追贬恶谥 咸宁四年(278年),太傅何曾去世后,朝廷决定为他定谥号。秦秀提出了自己的意见,他批评何曾“骄奢无度,不循礼法”,认为即使在生前没有被诫责,但死后应当加以恶谥,以警惕其他王公大臣,不然礼教将会败坏。因此,他建议将何曾的谥号定为“丑缪公”。虽然司马炎最终没有采纳他的建议,而是自封为“孝公”,但听到秦秀的议论后,都感到非常恐惧。

秦秀本人对佞臣极其痛恨,即视之如仇敌,因此他总是鄙视那些在朝中兴起朋党斗争、杀害曹髦的人物,如贾充。咸宁五年(279年),司马炎决定发动灭吴战争,并任命贾充为大都督,统率六军;秦秀听闻此事,对亲近的人说:“贾充只是一介文官,有小才华,却被赋予征伐东吴的大权,我会哭着送这支大军出征。”有人劝阻他,说:“当初蹇叔知道秦军必定失败,所以才哭着送儿子出征。而今东吴君主孙皓无道,国家自身也面临崩溃的危机,现在大军压境,东吴必定很快就要投降。你若果真哭送大军,不但不智,而且更犯了不可饶恕的错误。” Qin Shi thus abandoned his plan.

The next year, the generals of the Eastern Jin state defected to the Western Jin, while Wang Jun and others continued their attack on the capital of Eastern Jin; Jia Chong at this time believed that Eastern Jin could not be defeated in a single battle, but feared that disease might break out among his troops during the summer. He thus submitted a memorial urging Emperor Wu to withdraw from war. Soon after, Sun Hao surrendered to Western Jin, and news of victory reached Luoyang; both Jia Chong's memorial and news of victory arrived in Luoyang at once, leading everyone to believe that Jia Chong held high office but was lacking in wisdom, confirming Qin Shi's earlier criticism.

In Taikang 3 (282), Taishan Gong Jia Chong died; again there was an order for officials to discuss his posthumous title. Qin Shi criticized Jia Chong for not appointing one of his three nephews as heir despite having no sons himself, instead choosing his daughter's son as successor - "a violation of ritual norms" - and suggested he be given the title "Arrogant Marquis". However Emperor Wu did not follow this advice either.

Dedicated Counselor After Eastern Jin fell, King Yong participated in pacifying it along with Wang Jun who had also capitulated to Sun Hao. King Yong even accused Wang Jun falsely for disobeying orders by failing to maintain control over military forces under him. Although Emperor Wu did not punish Wang Jun based on these accusations nor reduce him in rank or remove him from office nor demote him further than auxiliary generalship over infantry forces — which were considered minor posts — yet people felt that Wang Jun had achieved great merit without being rewarded accordingly so much so they petitioned on behalf of him before Emperor Wu through petitions written by Minister Qin Shi together with Li Mi and Imperial Secretary Meng Kang all advocating justice for them against such injustice done by them towards them. Thus upon consideration thereof Emperor Wu decided upon elevating General-in-Chief Jing Yang into General-in-Chief Qi Shou with promotion further including appointment as High Commander Over Military Forces Beyond The Passes & Governor Of Southern Frontier Provinces while assigning Imperial Chancellor Meng Kang etcetera many other ministerial positions too promoted amongst those recommended whilst leaving out some unrecommended ones .

Historical Assessment In Book 62: "Zi Xian," Shen Nong ben Cao Jing Hui commented: "Chu Ci is a collection of poems composed during the Chu period." It also includes several historical accounts related to Chinese history during that time period like what happened when Han dynasty ended & how its remnants survived until Tang dynasty began after long series
