玛特(Maat): 实理取公理女神,与托特结婚,是秩序、正义和真理的化身。
阿努比斯(Anubis/Imhotep-Ani): 保护灵魂通往另一个世界的人类化狼,这个角色同时包含医药及塔保卫功能,相当于现代医学领域的一位医生或科学家。
荷鲁斯/哈托尔/哈图尔:复仇使者,即皇帝守护人,有时以狮子的形象出现,但通常以鹰或人类形象出现,因为他有时会变成年轻小男孩,有时候又是一只雌雄同体的小鸟或者一只猫头鹰,比喻智慧高超的人或动物,如猫等动物,而不是真正意义上的三种不同实体。在某些情况下,荷鲁士也被描绘成一个男性化的小男孩,其样貌令人印象深刻且具有某种特别力量,这是一个非常独特且迷人的主题,因为它反映了一切生命开始的地方,它既强调了生命力的永恒性,也显示了新生的希望。而他的妻子哈托尔/Het-Heru/Het-Hert,则是一位爱情及美丽女神,她也是荷路丝(Horus) 的妻子,在许多故事中扮演重要角色,同时她也是《金色黎明》中的黄昏星光(Auramooth),因此她不仅是夜空中最亮星光之一,而且她本身就是夜空的一部分。她的丈夫阿受/Amon则是在底比斯三柱系统中的第三柱,为古代埃及宗教文化所尊敬的一个崇拜对象。他不但掌管风暴,还拥有其他职责如司掌水源、丰饶,以及农业生产等。
10.Case 10: Nephthys, the goddess of death and mourning.
11.Taweret, a pregnant hippopotamus-goddess, is often depicted as a protector of women in childbirth.
12.Nut (Nuit), the sky goddess, is one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian religion and mythology.
13.Geb (Seb), the god of earth and fertility
14.Sobek, a crocodile god who was associated with fertility and protection.
15.Maat's husband Thoth has his own role in creation myths: he is said to have helped Maat establish order on Earth by bringing her "the books" that contained all knowledge about how things should be done right.
16.The sun god Ra was considered to be responsible for all life on Earth because he traveled across the sky each day providing light and warmth to living creatures.
17.The gods were believed to have been involved in many aspects of human life including agriculture, marriage, birth etc.
18.The gods were also seen as judges at trials where they would weigh up people's hearts against feather representing truth
19.In some cases humans could become gods or divine beings through their actions such as becoming an Osiris or Anubis
20.Egyptian mythology also had numerous stories about creation from chaos which varied depending on region but shared common themes
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