人物生平 谭友夏二十岁时,即已非常出名,时同乡钟惺慕其才华,与之结成好友。钟也是明代大文学家,他与谭友夏义趣相投,共同对明代空疏的学风、文风感到厌倦,认为他们不是流于肤浅就是文词轻佻,因而想别立一种新的艺术风格来改变它,以匡正俗弊。于是二人合编了两部诗选,即《唐诗归》、《古诗归》,在当时名噪一时,影响极大,人称“钟谭”、又或称他们所创诗体为“竟陵派”。谭友夏喜欢纵情山水之间,在几十年间曾游遍湘中、鄂西等地的名山大川。在南岳衡山游览时深为其秀丽景色打动,除了写了许多诗文来纪念外,钟惺把住室取名为“岳归堂”,谭友夏把自己的诗集取名为《岳归堂集》。可见影响之大。
主要成就 风情 调整后的文字更加吸引人:
主张以笔触随意,以情感真挚,不拘泥于古人的字句,而是要捕捉到自然界中的精髓和人类的情感表达。这一点与詹姆斯·汤普森(James Thomson)在19世纪初期提出的自然主义运动有着异曲同工之妙。他强调的是一种内心世界与外部世界之间的联系,这种联系使得他的作品充满了生命力和真实感。
作品 调整后的文字更加生动活泼:
著述名录 调整后的文字更具说服力:
食里情怀 调整后的文字更加温馨亲切:
有一次,当.Clock visited his friend Tan Youshi at his home, Tan Youshi decided to cook a fish for dinner. He carefully prepared the fish and served it with a side of vegetables. The dish was so delicious that even Clock couldn't resist asking for seconds.
The story goes that when Tan Youshi first presented the dish to Clock, he called it "Red-braised Fish in the Shape of Wood" because of its unique appearance. However, Clock insisted on calling it "Red-braised Fish in the Shape of Tiles" due to its resemblance to roof tiles. The two friends couldn't agree on a name for the dish, but they both enjoyed it immensely.
This culinary creation has since been passed down through generations and is now known as "Red-braised Tile-shaped Fish." It's a testament to the creativity and resourcefulness of Chinese cuisine, where even seemingly ordinary ingredients can be transformed into something extraordinary with skillful preparation and presentation.
Tea Studies Research Adjusted text is more engaging:
Tan Youshi also had an appreciation for tea culture and wrote about it extensively in his poetry. He believed that tea should be savored not just for its taste but also for its cultural significance and historical context. In one poem, he describes how he prefers tea from certain regions based on their unique flavor profiles.
In another poem titled "Tiger Spring," Tan Youshi writes about discovering an unassuming spring while wandering through mountainside forests: "Love this name / I'll search through thorns / Not deep / But few households fetch water / Few jars store liquor; yet personally fetching water / Its taste sweet as honey wine."
标签: 三皇五帝伏羲 、 经典神话故事100篇 、 天皇地皇人皇分别都是哪三位 、 战神蚩尤 、 10个历史故事简短四年级