In the beginning, there was only darkness and chaos. The universe was void of any form or life. This primordial state persisted until the emergence of a divine being known as Pangu, who would bring order to the cosmos.
Pangu's existence marked a turning point in creation. With great effort, he separated yin from yang, resulting in the formation of heaven and earth. His mighty body became mountains and valleys; his blood turned into rivers; his breath transformed into wind; and his voice produced thunder.
As Pangu continued to shape the world, he realized that something essential was missing – light. He decided to create a sun to illuminate this newly formed realm.
Thus began the tale of Chang'e, also known as Heng'e or Chang Oi, a celestial goddess with unparalleled beauty and wisdom. She resided on Moon Peak (Chang'e Shan) within the heavenly realm alongside her husband Hou Yi – an archer renowned for shooting down nine suns that threatened Earth's destruction.
Chang'e possessed an extraordinary elixir capable of granting eternal youth and immortality. One day while her husband was away hunting celestial creatures called "nine-headed beasts," she consumed half of it out of curiosity about its powers.
Hou Yi discovered what had transpired upon returning home but forgave Chang'e due to their deep love for one another. However, Chang'e couldn't resist taking more elixir when left alone again at Moon Peak.
This time around she drank an entire bottleful without realizing its immense power would cause her ascension into Heaven proper rather than just residing on Moon Peak as before.
The sorrow-stricken Hou Yi mourned by constructing three temples dedicated to him: Tai Chi Temple on Mount Song (Tai Shan), Tai Ao Temple on Mount Tai'an (Tai An Shan), and Tai Yu Temple at Mount Hua (Huashan).
Meanwhile in Heaven's highest palace stood two magnificent halls dedicated solely for moon worship - Qianyue Palace where Chang'e lived during daytime hours under watchful eyes while taking care not tarry too long lest be banished back onto Moon Peak permanently.
Despite all these measures taken against them both emotionally & physically through separation from each other they remained devotedly committed towards one another - proving true testamentary love exists even amidst adversity!
To this very day we still remember stories like these shared across generations emphasizing importance placed upon loyalty & devotion between partners regardless societal norms or expectations changing over time keeping our cultural heritage alive!
标签: 爱国名人事迹的故事 、 10位英雄的名字和主要事迹 、 中国最牛人物前十名 、 写一位历史人物作文400字 、 有哪些烈士英雄的故事