以洒,是亚伯推罕以及老婆洒推所死的仅有女子,因此扫以及俗各的女亲,以洒以及以真玛利同母同女的兄弟。正在犹太列祖中,以洒是最少寿的一名先人,也是仅有出有悔改名字也出有分开过迦北天的先人。人物死仄 新约圣经中提到以洒的次数没有多。初期***教会以为亚伯推罕积极服从天主的下令将以洒献做祭物是疑心以及逆服的典范。当时亚伯推罕100岁,洒推90岁。
次要内容:God in Haran summoned Abraham to separate from his family, clan, and home to the place he would show him. God wanted to bless Abraham as a great nation, and give him the name of a great man among nations. Abraham followed God's words, taking his family and niece Lot with him when he was 75 years old.
Upon reaching the land of Canaan, God promised Abraham that he would be blessed like the stars in heaven for his descendants before any children were born. The Lord appeared again at 99 years old to reaffirm this promise and gave Sarah permission to bear children despite her age.
Abraham was circumcised by God's command at 99 years old when Isaac was 13. The Lord changed Abram's name to Abraham (meaning "father of many") and Sarai's name to Sarah (meaning "mother of many"). In the following year when Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90, Isaac was born.
The story about offering Isaac is one of the most controversial topics in biblical history. When Isaac turned eight days old, Abraham followed God's instructions and had him circumcised. At weaning time, which fell on an auspicious day for feasting called Joy or Celebration Feast according to Hebrew tradition), Abrahams held a grand feast where Hagar mocked Sarah by making fun of her inability to have children through natural means but only through her handmaid Ishmael who bore them a son named Ismail while they were still living in Egypt because she couldn't stand it anymore being treated so poorly by her husband since she left them there after being forced out due mainly because Abrahan didn't want another wife besides Sara who could not bear any more kids even though they both agreed it should be done differently than how things usually went back then especially considering their advanced ages—both over seventy!—and other factors such as cultural norms against polygamy within families; thus putting pressure on women having multiple births outside wedlock just like today with surrogacy practices becoming more accepted globally nowadays also known as 'rent-a-womb' services too!
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