moms and dads, we have a lot of names for you. From "Lin Mu" to "Dragon Girl", from "Holy Mother" to "Sea Goddess". Each name has its own story, each one is a reminder of the love and protection that you have given us. And through the ages, your names have been honored by every emperor who has ruled our great land.
We remember the Song Dynasty when Emperor Huizong gave you the title of "Reverse Rescue Temple". We remember the Ming Dynasty when Emperor Chengzu called you "Protecting Country and Peaceful People's Holy Guardian Angel". And in every dynasty since then, your names have been passed down from generation to generation.
But it's not just about titles. It's about what they represent. They represent our faith in you, our belief that you will always be there to protect us. They represent our gratitude for all that you do for us.
So let us cherish these names, these titles that we give to you. Let us honor them with reverence and respect. For they are not just words on paper or stone, but symbols of our love and devotion to you.
And as we look back on history, let us remember all those who have come before us. Let us honor their memories by continuing their legacy of faith and devotion.
For moma
标签: 中国经典故事简短 、 10个名人故事简短 、 选择一个历史人物评价 、 2021抗洪英雄事迹 、 烈士事迹简介20字