

根据他的加冕文本,Horemheb 来自赫拉克利奥波利斯市,但他的出身和他的青年时代一无所知。他首次出现在阿蒙霍特普三世手下的历史记录中,但由于此引用不清楚,他本可以在阿肯那顿手下开始他的职业生涯。然而,似乎他很快被提升为陆军大统帅,他本可以更早地为王位服务。

Horemheb 希望将埃及恢复到阿蒙霍特普三世统治下的辉煌。在这一努力中,他取得了令人钦佩的成功,正如后来有关他统治时期的铭文所证明的那样。他最雄心勃勃和最有益的一项行动是在尼罗河重建法律和秩序谷。在卡纳克(Karnak)的一个碎片石碑上发现了关于坚定政府的一系列著名法令。这些建议涉及法律、行政管理、宗教实践以及社会行为等多个方面,以确保国家内部保持秩序并且有效地进行管理。

尽管如此,Horemheb 仍然是 his nation's king, who served as commander-in-chief of the Egyptian army and led the military against the Hittites in the north. If he indeed served under Amenhotep III, then his frustration must have been immense, as it is recorded that even the once-unbeatable Egyptian army was unable to defeat the Hittites during Akhenaten's reign. The reasons for this decline are believed to be due to Pharaoh's strong religious interests which overshadowed diplomacy and domestic affairs.

After Tutankhamun's death, Ay took over as regent for Tutankhamun's young widow Ankhesenamun before ascending to the throne himself. However, Ay did not establish a clear line of succession or secure his position on the throne through marriage or other means. Instead, he relied on a combination of political maneuvering and military power.

Despite being considered one of Egypt’s most successful rulers by many historians today, there is no consensus on whether Horemheb should be regarded as a hero or villain depending on how one views Akhenaten’s rule and Horemheb’s response to it. His legacy remains complex and open to interpretation.

The story of Horemheb serves as an example that history can sometimes be rewritten based on new evidence discovered later in time. For centuries after their deaths, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun were largely forgotten until their discovery in excavations at Amarna towards the end of 19th century and early 20th century respectively brought them back into historical consciousness.

In conclusion, while we know much about Horemheb from inscriptions left behind by him during his reigns but little about his early life before becoming pharaoh; we do know that he sought balance between different aspects of society - religion (by restoring traditional practices), law (through implementing reforms)
