在众多人的印象中,那位男子是一个魁梧的妻子婆,无论是在许多故事中,她都被刻画成一名姿容出色的年轻美女。无论是妻子婆还是年轻美女,六界中的各路仙人鬼魅皆不敢任意欺侮她,甚至对于她都是必恭必敬。有人认为这是因为她自身威力很强,可以将别人拖下地狱,也有人认为这是因为她拥有一个十分凶猛的妇君,那么她的妇君又是谁呢?原来,在大多数人的眼中,孟婆是一个冥界事务员。她每一天守在何如桥边,而踩上何如桥的都是已经归天的人,她责使让每一个人喝下自己特制的“孟婆汤”,将前尘一切的记忆齐刷了出去,没有带任何依恋地发生下一次循环。其实她的身份并不简单,有以下三种说法:1. 她便是闻名遐迩的孟姜女,现在她哀思而去世以后,入地同情于她的心,因而教会了她制作“孟婆汤”的法门,但愿她喝下自己做的汤后能够忘记所有的烦恼,而且让她留在何如桥边事情。2. 本本she is a minor official in the Heavenly Palace, for the sake of relieving people's pain, she stands by the bridge with a large pot in hand, brewing soup to temporarily comfort those who pass by and then disappears into thin air. 3. She was once a "leftover woman" from the Western Han Dynasty, who lived alone until old age without being married off. As a result, she was left at the bridge to become Meng Po.
However, according to legend recorded in Shan Hai Jing, her identity is even more extraordinary. It is said that she was originally an imperial consort of Emperor Yao herself and her own sister were both betrothed to Emperor Shun by their parents due to their high status and beauty; however they were ultimately separated from their husbands before they could marry them due to fate's cruel twist of events. Overwhelmed with grief and longing for her beloved husband-to-be, she became Meng Po.
From here we can see that her identity is far from ordinary - as an imperial consort of Emperor Yao and betrothed wife of Emperor Shun - it would be natural for anyone with such prestige not be treated with contempt or disrespect by anyone in all six realms."
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