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除了her scientific career, Marie Curie also had a deep commitment to women's rights and education. She was a passionate advocate for the advancement of women in science and believed that education should be accessible to all, regardless of gender or social status.

The Curies' daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie, followed in her parents' footsteps by becoming a scientist herself. However, she suffered from radiation poisoning due to her exposure to radioactive materials during her research.

Marie Curie passed away on July 4th, 1934 at the age of 66 after years of battling health issues related to her prolonged exposure to radioactivity. Her legacy lives on through the countless contributions she made not only in science but also as an icon for women's empowerment and equality.

In conclusion, Marie Curie is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable figures in human history. Through her groundbreaking work in radioactivity and nuclear physics, she has left behind a rich legacy that continues to inspire scientists around the world today. As we continue our journey into the unknown realms of knowledge and understanding about our universe, it is important for us not only remember what they have accomplished but also honor their memory by striving towards similar achievements with courage and determination.

Her life story serves as an invaluable reminder that nothing can stop us from pursuing our dreams if we are willing to put forth effort and dedication towards them - no matter how challenging or impossible they may seem at first glance.
