In the vast and rich tapestry of Chinese mythology, there exists a multitude of stories that have captivated audiences for centuries. Among these tales is the legend of Chang'e, the celestial goddess who resides on the moon. This enchanting story has been passed down through generations and continues to inspire wonder in those who hear it.
The Story Begins
The legend begins with Chang'e, a beautiful and kind-hearted woman who lives during the reign of Emperor Yao (c. 2350 BCE). She falls deeply in love with a mortal man named Zhongliu, who is known for his extraordinary archery skills. Their love blossoms quickly, but fate intervenes when Chang'e accidentally ingests an elixir meant for immortality. Consumed by guilt and despair over her unintended transgression against heaven's rules, she flees to avoid punishment.
Heavenly Punishment
In her desperation to escape retribution from heaven's authorities, Chang'e ascends to the heavens aboard a magical ladder forged by Zhongliu himself. However, as she rises higher into space, she forgets about her husband below on Earth.
Upon reaching the realm above clouds called Kunlun Mountain (the dwelling place of gods), Chang'e meets Xuanyuan Huangdi (also known as Yellow Emperor) – one among ten sun deities – who becomes enamored with her beauty and purity heart. He takes pity upon her situation and offers shelter at his heavenly abode until he can find a solution to help her return home safely without breaking any divine laws.
However, while residing at Kunlun Mountain under Xuanyuan Huangdi's protection,
标签: 历史人物作文对比 、 老人讲真实民间故事 、 霍去病 、 朱元璋死后谁继位 、 中国历史上的朝代顺序